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Jump Start Program

A personalized opportunity created for High School students to develop their job, workplace, and social skills alongside the academics

We all need a jump start sometimes!

High School curriculum leading to graduation, exploration of workplace opportunities and the use of career aptitude assessments to develop a potential career path.


“My child’s functioning and attitude toward school has improved dramatically since she started at Austin Centers. Her behavior challenges are almost within normal limits. Before she was spending most of her time removed from class for aggressive and disruptive outbursts.”

Parent of a Student

Career Express is an extension of Jump Start

Upperclassman preparing to enter the workforce within 1-2 years may participate in Career Express which allows students to practice job skills daily in the community. Students gain work experience and train in a variety of settings such as an animal shelter, a nursing home, food bank, kitchen, local community park, thrift and retail stores and Habitat for Humanity.